Create Pipeline

Author: Chad Feeser

To use GitLab CI/CD to generate your static site pages with Hugo and serve them via GitLab Pages, you’ll need to set up a .gitlab-ci.yml file in your repository. This file tells GitLab how to build your site using Hugo within a Docker container. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Create a .gitlab-ci.yml File

  1. In the root of your GitLab repository, create a new file named .gitlab-ci.yml.
  2. Add the following configuration to the file:
image: klakegg/hugo:0.101.0-ext # Use an image with Hugo installed. Adjust the version as needed.

  GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive # Ensures Hugo themes or other submodules are fetched

    - hugo # This command builds your site
      - public # This is where Hugo generates your site by default
    - master # This job runs only on the master branch (or main, adjust accordingly)

This configuration does the following:

  • image: Specifies a Docker image that includes Hugo. The klakegg/hugo image is a popular choice. You can adjust the tag to match the version of Hugo you want to use. The -ext variant includes extended SCSS/SASS support.
  • variables: Sets the GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY to recursive, which is important if your Hugo site uses themes or other content added as Git submodules.
  • pages: Defines the job that GitLab CI/CD will execute to build your site.
    • script: The command that builds your site using Hugo.
    • artifacts: Specifies the directory that Hugo generates your site into (public by default). GitLab Pages uses this directory to serve your site.
    • only: Ensures the job runs only on changes to the master branch (or main, depending on your setup).

Step 2: Push .gitlab-ci.yml to Your Repository

After setting up your .gitlab-ci.yml file, commit and push it to your repository:

git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git commit -m "Add GitLab CI/CD configuration for Hugo"
git push origin master

Step 3: Verify the CI/CD Pipeline

Once you push the .gitlab-ci.yml file, GitLab CI/CD will automatically trigger a pipeline to build your Hugo site:

  1. Go to the “CI/CD” > “Pipelines” section of your GitLab repository to view the running pipeline.
  2. Once the pipeline completes, it will deploy your static site to GitLab Pages.

Step 4: Accessing Your Site

  • After the pipeline successfully completes, your site should be available on GitLab Pages.
  • You can find the URL of your site in the “Settings” > “Pages” section of your GitLab repository.

Additional Notes

  • If your Hugo site uses a custom theme added as a submodule, ensure that the theme’s repository is also accessible to GitLab CI/CD.
  • If you use a branch other than master (e.g., main), adjust the only section in the .gitlab-ci.yml file accordingly.
  • You can customize the Hugo build command (hugo) with additional flags as needed, such as hugo --minify for minifying the output.

By following these steps, you’ve configured GitLab CI/CD to automatically build and deploy your Hugo site to GitLab Pages whenever changes are pushed to your repository.

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